[19.07.24 rapportian] The beginning of aging such as sagging and wrinkled eyes, you need to choose a procedure that fits the cause.
Nowthat we are looking at the age of 100, anti-aging is no longer just aboutmiddle-aged people. These days, they use eye cream from their early 20s andundergo lifting procedures, making efforts to prevent aging.
Amongthem, eyes are the most important factor in determining impressions, and ...
조회 수 : 1268
2019.07.25 |
[19.07.17 Sports hankook] Correcting the jutting chin, double jaw surgery or orthodontics, which treatments should I choose?
A face with a short length and a slightlyhigh chin is one of the conditions that has the effect of having a small faceand a pretty neckline. On the other hand, jutting chin gives the stubbornimpression and makes you look old, but also causes a decrease in self-esteemdue to the complex of looks.
& ...
조회 수 : 784
2019.07.25 |
[19.07.11 KBIZ] Young and healthy skin with regeneration to revive the function of tired skin in hot weather!
Agingis a natural phenomenon that no one can escape. However, regenerating thedamaged skin is also necessary to keep skin young and healthy, as prolongedexposure to hot sunlight and strong ultraviolet light causes not onlypigmentation but also aging of the skin regardless of age. So it's also a ti ...
조회 수 : 649
2019.07.25 |
[19.05.14 Sports hankook] For the protruding mouth, which surgery, ASO(Anterior Segmental Osteotomy) or double jaw surgery is needed?
Three seconds is said to be thetime needed to determine a person's first impression. In other words, we judge people by their appearance and it would be difficult to get a good impressionif someone had a sullen face.
A sullen look is a common concernfor patients who come to have counseli ...
조회 수 : 1762
2019.05.16 |
[19.05.10 News Point] Can't we make the clear face line with facial contouring surgery?
The shape of the face is determined in part by theskeleton, but the actual looking face includes the skin, fat and muscles aroundthe bone. For example, the same square jaw may have different reasons. Jawboneitself is wide or angular and the muscles may have been developed thickly tolook broad.
Th ...
조회 수 : 637
2019.05.14 |
[19.05.07 News Point] It's not right to say that too much plastic surgery makes the face awkward.
If you look around, you can findpeople who are interested in plastic surgery even if they had once or not yet.It is no exaggeration to say that plastic surgery has become popular.
So,unlike the past, celebrities on TV proudly reveal that they have had a cosmeticsurgery before, but there are some ...
조회 수 : 658
2019.05.14 |
[19.05.03 hemophilia life] Facial contouring surgery, it's a bad idea that if you cut a lot of bones, your face will be small and pretty.
These days, Interestin facial bone surgery is growing in order to make a small and lean face.Facial contouring surgery includes a chic bone reduction, jaw reduction,long-curve jaw reduction, and jaw-end reduction. During a consultation, peopletold me "I have a nerve line on mychin, and I want you ...
조회 수 : 1146
2019.05.14 |
[18.12.17 medipana news] Dr. Lee, Jin-su from Faceline Plastic Surgery Clinic at the APCA 2018 Seminar
Every year starting from 2005, Faceline PlasticSurgery Clinic’s Dr. Lee has announced his academic studies and surgeryknow-hows on two jaw, contouring, and facial bone structures. This time was atthe APCA 2018 held at HIP Seoul National University hospital regarding thetopic about aesthetic jaw surg ...
조회 수 : 1036
2018.12.18 |
[18.12.14 medipana news] Faceline Plastic Surgery Clinic as ‘Medical Tourism Partner of Seoul’ for 2019.
On December 14th, Faceline PlasticSurgery Clinic has selected as one of Seoul’s medical tourism partners of 2019.
Medical tourism partner of Seoul is medical clinicsthat are chosen from each category to promote Korean medical tourism andprovide the trusted environment for foreign patients a ...
조회 수 : 707
2018.12.17 |
[17.11.13 medipana news] Faceline Plastic Surgery Clinic Dr. Jinsoo Lee, 2017 International Congress of Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Lecture
Dr. Jinsoo Lee, Faceline plastic surgery clinic plastic surgeon specializing in plastic surgery, held a conference on "Discovering the Beauty" at Parnas, Inter-Continental Seoul, Seoul, for three days from November 10th to 12th. He was invited to the International Society of Plastic and Reconstructi ...
조회 수 : 1516
2017.11.23 |