[2009.05.08] The 66th Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Conference
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.25 -
[2009.04.22] Presented by Dr. Jinsoo Lee at the Korean Society of HyungSang Medicine
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.25 -
[2009.03.08] Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Facial Contour Research Society 3rd Symposium
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.25 -
[2008.07.31] Dr. Jinsoo Lee, Konkuk University Hospital Lecture
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.25 -
[2008.06.29] Samsung Medical Center Society Presentation
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.25 -
[2007.11.10] The 63rd Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Conference
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.25 -
[2006.05.12] The 62th Korean Plastic Surgery Conference
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.25 -
[2007.04.07] Samsung Seoul Hospital Plastic Surgery Conference
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.20 -
[2007.03.31] Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 25th Beauty Congress
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.20 -
[2006.05.13] The 60th Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Conference
페이스라인성형외과 / 2017.07.20