Reducing Cheekbones
without Removing Bones!
What is a Non-elimination Lifting Cheekbone Surgery?
The Core Techniques of Non-elimination Lifting
Cheekbone Reduction Surgery
{ Method of Non-elimination Lifting Cheekbone Surgery }
{ The Developement Stages of Cheekbone Surgery }
How to Increase the Amount of
the Reduction of the Cheekbone
Key Point for Controlling the Amount of
The Cheekbone Reduction
The Ideal Cheekbone Surgery
How and to Where the Cheekbone Should Be Moved?
The reason why Faceline's Non-elimination Lifting
Cheekbone Surgery is Special?
Individually optimized outcome can be made by controlling the angle of 45 degree cheekbone
fracture line, amount of
movement toward poterosuperior area, amount of movement from
posterosuperior area to the medial according to the shape
and size of the cheekbone, not
performing a surgery indiscriminately.
It puts the entire cheekbone inward and moves to posterosuperior area at the same time. The
more they move to the
posterosuperior area, the more reduction 45 degree cheekbone should be
However, since there is no skin left in the 45 degree cheekbone area, the drooping of the
skin can be minimized.
Faceline's Frontal Effect Cheekbone Surgery
What is Frontal Effect Cheekbone Surgery?
The maximum effect can be obtained if the face reduction is desired since the face looks wide even
though the cheekbone is not severely bulging since it reduces the width of the central face shown
from the front.